Evidence For Christianity

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Happy Passover

Happy Passover to everyone! Today is a day of great celebration. On this day we remember the exodus of the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt.

More specifically, the term "Passover" recalls the time when the people of Israel put the blood of a lamb on their doorposts so that the death angel would pass over their homes. Because Pharaoh would not let the people of Israel go, God sent a plague which killed all the first born sons, but those from the people of Israel who had their doorposts covered by the blood of a lamb were spared from the plague. It was a time of great deliverance for the people of Israel that we remember down to this day.

So what is a site about Christianity doing wishing everyone a happy Passover?

Well, because we celebrate Passover and not Easter.

Does that shock you?

Perhaps we should take a closer look at the two holidays.

Which holiday is actually more "Christian": Passover or Easter?

On first glance that might seem like a completely ridiculous question.

Isn't Passover a "Jewish" holiday and Easter a "Christian" holiday?

Well, not exactly.

The earliest Christians did not celebrate a holiday called "Easter" at all.

They kept Passover.

After all, when did Jesus die on the cross? (On the eve of Passover)

When did Jesus rise from the dead? (During the Feast of Unleavened Bread)

What holiday foreshadowed the sacrifice of the lamb of God for centuries before it happened? (Passover)

So why do Christians celebrate a holiday called Easter?

Do you even know what the word "Easter" means?

Have you ever wondered where that word originated?

That is something I always wondered about when I was growing up.

However, it was not until I started doing some research that I began to learn the truth about Easter.

Many of our old reference books actually told us the truth about these things.....

The Britannica Encyclopedia (1934) defined Easter this way:

"EASTER (es’ter). Ostara, or Eastre, was the goddess of Spring in the religion of the ancient Angles and Saxons. Every April a festival was celebrated in her honor. With the beginnings of Christianity, the old gods were put aside. From then on the festival was celebrated in honor of the resurrection of Christ, but was still known as Easter after the old goddess."

So why do we celebrate "Easter"?

Well, the story goes back a long way - to the ancient Middle East.

Have you ever heard of "Ishtar" or "Ashtoreth"? Most of you probably have. They are ancient names of the same pagan fertility goddess. In fact, if you trace the various pagan fertility goddesses back far enough, they all trace back to Semiramis of ancient Babylon.

Over time, "Ashtoreth" and "Asherah" became "Ishtar" which eventually became "Eastre" and then finally "Easter", but it is all the same pagan fertility goddess.

Some other names of "Easter" over the centuries included Aphrodite from ancient Cyprus, Astarte from ancient Greece, Demeter from Mycenae, Kali from India and Ostara, a Norse goddess of fertility.

In fact, pagans and Wiccans celebrate a holiday called "Ostara" to this very day.

Easter "eggs" and bunny rabbits are pagan fertility symbols that celebrate this pagan fertility goddess, and they have been used as symbols for her for thousands of years.

So why do Christians celebrate "Easter"?

Jesus did not die on "Easter".

Do you want to know when Jesus died?

He died on the eve of Passover.

You see, in the "Old Testament", God had His people come up to Jerusalem three times per year. One of those times was for Passover.

During the very first Passover, God had the Jews take the blood of a lamb and put it on their doorposts so that the death angel would pass over their houses.

And do you know what doorposts are most commonly made of?


And do you know where wood comes from?

From a tree.

So the message of that very first Passover was that the blood of the lamb on the tree covers us from the wrath of God.

Does that sound familiar?

It should.

It is the message of the cross - the blood of the lamb on the tree covers us from the wrath of God!

So for hundreds upon hundreds of years, God had His people gather in the exact city where Christ would die, at the exact time of the year when He would die, and He had them celebrate a holiday that perfectly foreshadowed the sacrifice of Jesus the Messiah.

So why do Christians not celebrate the holiday of Passover?

Did you also know that Jesus celebrated Passover? The Last Supper was actually a Passover meal (just look it up in the Scriptures).

During the Last Supper Jesus said to do this meal in memory of Him.

And did you know that all of humanity will celebrate the Passover during the 1000 year reign of Christ? If you don't believe me, just read Ezekiel chapters 45 and 46.

Did you know that "Easter" was celebrated by ancient civilizations such as the Assyrians, the Phoenicians, and the Philistines? Did you know that ritual pagan sex acts were involved with the celebration of "Easter"?

So why have we all forsaken a holiday which predicted the sacrifice of Jesus, which is full of symbolism about Jesus, which is during the precise time when Jesus died and rose again and which God tells us in the Scriptures to remember?

Why have we instead been celebrating a pagan fertility festival that is named after a pagan fertility goddess and is filled with pagan symbols and traditions?

The YouTube video below contains even more information on Easter and Passover.....

Perhaps it is time to reconsider a lot of the things that we have taken for granted.

The Bible has nothing to say about Easter.

But it has a ton to say about Passover.

If you do not know much about Passover, I would encourage you to pick up your Bible and to read about it. Passover is a truly extraordinary holiday that perfectly foreshadowed the sacrifice of Christ every year for over a thousand years before Jesus arrived on earth.

So is Passover more Christian than Easter?

The truth is that there isn't even a comparison.

We wish you a truly happy Passover and today we join together with believers all over the world in recognizing one of God's amazing holidays.

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