In a 2008 Gallup survey, 15 percent of Americans claimed no religion at all. That is up from only 8% in 1990. That is almost a doubling in less than 20 years. That is stunning growth! In fact, the "non-religious" now outnumber all religious organizations in the United States except the Catholics and the Baptists.
But the U.S. cannot yet match the enthusiasm of British atheists. More than 100,000 people in the U.K. have recently downloaded "certificates of de-baptism" from a website that seeks to help the non-religious renounce their Christian faith.
The de-baptism certificates are being distributed by a group called the National Secular Society. This campaign comes on the heels of a highly successful bus advertising campaign by atheists in the U.K. that promoted the slogan: "There's probably no God."
One downside to atheism in the past was that there were a lot less holidays to celebrate.
However, at least one atheist is hoping to change that by encouraging the non-religious to embrace April 1st as an international atheist holiday.
April Fools Day?
I guess considering what Psalm 14:1 says it would be appropriate.....
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
The truth is that the evidence is overwhelming that there is a God, and if you doubt that fact, then I would encourage you to read this:
Christianity, the idea that the universe was nothing and an invisible being told a bunch of nothing to explode, creating everything. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
There is NO evidence for a god - there are only personal feelings, beliefs, and faith. Evidence requires testing, objective reasoning, and dependable, repeatable facts. Even if there were evidence, which god is it? There are more than 10,000 religions in the world.
Buffet style Christianity?
Matthew 5:22
"But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."
Evidence? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Christianity's days are numbered.
Christianity is toxic, not beneficial to human society. The sooner it is ridiculed into oblivion, the better off the world will be.
Lee Picton
I love the quote "Atheism: The idea that the universe was nothing and a bunch of nothing exploded and created everything"...
Particularly in that it has NOTHING to do with atheism, nor does it have anything to do with the big bang theory, and all it really is a perfect example of the common stupidity and irrationality of the religious.
Let Atheists tell themselves who they are:
Atheists are people who believe that god or gods (or other supernatural beings) are man- made constructs, myths and legends or who believe that these concepts are not meaningful.
This means atheist have a self- defeating and orderly appeal to reason and humanism.
We have been reading, hearing and speaking about a creator too long, hence, religion is an insult to thinking and reasoning.
Let's ignore the possibility of a God and reclaim ownership of your thoughts, life,
purpose of living and learn to read other books then a too old book.
Religion was the "science" of those who lived thousands of years ago.
"Belief is for the people who cannot keep up with facts"
I'm not thinking there is no God, i just think that religion is a waste of time.
Marco Meerman
Go Atheism!
Awesome! Plainly awesome! Soon, atheists will be the majority and that's what how I want it to be.
atheism isnt right or wrong, its the lack of belief. nobody KNOWS for sure if 'god' exists or not. one thing for sure is that one should not disbelieve in 'god' because of the lack of evidence. science isnt always right (remember when science determined the world was flat?). imo, people should come to their own conclusions, not based upon the words of others, but upon the vibrations of their conscience.
Slowly moving in the right direction!
On the subject of 'god' (which is just a word by the way and means nothing) you claim that science isnt always right in that the world is not flat? That has to be the most laughable non arguement I have ever heard. Obviously you did not consider advances in technology that would prove that theory incorrect and indeed further prove that the earth is billions of years old and not 35 thousand as the bible claims?
Atheism doesn't have anything to say about ultimate origins, nor about how life should be lived. It is a disbelief in deities and thus has a very limited scope. I'm an atheist myself, but don't align myself with the "New Atheist" as you can see from the following article I wrote:
The "New Atheists" are not satisfied with merely expressing their disbelief in deities, they aggressively attack faith. What do they offer in its stead?
Read more at Suite101: The Limitations of Atheism http://www.suite101.com/content/the-limitations-of-atheism-a300911#ixzz13VACadQy
I am so glad to see the world moving out of the dark ages , into the world of science,and reality. Finally the time of reason is upon us. Religion has been the greatest curse mankind has ever known.
The evidence is overwhelming.. lol.. I nearly wet myself reading that!
I think its pretty obvious a this stage that theists are operating from a dictionary of their own invention..which seems to change like the interpretations of the bible or whatever!
In my world the word 'evidence' is used to explain that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.
Generally speaking evidence does not consist of someones baseless opinion accepted as absolutism! Thats called 'self delusion'. And since there is NOBODY that can give any information about the evident existence of gods then clearly there is NO evidence.
A lack of evidence but a lot of 'maybe this or perhaps that' does not constitute evidence or proof of anything other than the person doing the 'maybes' has a vivid imagination! Evidence (as the word suggests) must be evident!
The holy books are also not evidence of gods... otherwise every fictional book is proof of the existence of the characters in that book! They are however evidence that people were a lot less educated in the past! And just as naive and gullible today!
Christianity is becoming increasingly marginalized as more people are embracing a scientific understanding of the world. this trend will continue.
I don't see how anyone can view the bible as a source for modern morality, as it is quite simply the worst book i have ever read on the subject.
I love that almost every comment on here is anti-god. Don't you know that is impolite to gang up on imaginary beings? God can't even defend himself because he doesn't exist. This is completely unfair and I will have no part of it! Now argue with that logic christians.
Abso-frickin-lutely hilarious how many people here are telling the author of this silliness exactly how silly they really are. The overwhelming evidence is...where? What? I'll tell ya. NON-EXISTENT. There is no Santa Claus, no Tooth Fairy, no Easter Bunny, and NO GOD.
God bless these atheists..
I'm 99% sure that there is no God. So many things brought me to this conclusion - far too many to mention here. I might be wrong of course, but I'd be willing to bet my life that if there is some entity or entities guiding this universe, then they're absolutely nothing like the Judaeo/Christian/Islamic God of the bronze ages peoples of the middle East. So much of the Bible is derivative - whether from Babylonian or Egyptian sources etc...
I'm sorry, but you people are being so naive right now. I'm seventeen and I can understand both sides of the argument and still show overwhelming support for Christianity. You are just upset that lots of people have told you what to believe and you are lashing out. I have seen more tragic things than most of you can even comprehend. again, I'M ONLY SEVENTEEN. and in the midst of it, people cling to hope. they cling to the hope that there is in fact a God out there that is watching over them. One of the biggest arguing pints for atheism is that if God did exist,which He does, He wouldn't allow for so much pain and suffering to occur. however, He says in the Bible that He would never give us more than we can handle. You think you are alone in this world and that makes you bitter, but you're not. God is always there. just as He was when Jesus was dying on the cross. And for those of you that say there is no evidence, there really is. The fact that Christianity has survived so long means there has to be some basis of evidence. For one there are all the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. Two there is the Bible which is an account of those that were actually around when all these things happened. Secondly, there is proof in Jewish prison records that Jesus did exist so there can be no argument against that. So believe it or not, this is barely any of the evidence I know of and like I said, I'm seventeen. I've been on five mission trips already to violence filled areas, controlled by gangs and traffickers and yet all the people I run into want to believe and let their faith flourish because God has laid it in their hearts to accept Him. Now please hold your tongues before attacking someone who is obviously more educated on the subject than you because I just refuted all of your points in about seven minutes. Have a nice day and God bless. :)
Psalm 14:1
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
ATHEISTS WILL NOT BELIEVE "Psalm 14:1". You believe it so you ruin your life by living in dark that your brain cells seem not working properly. Go and see a doctor asking for brain power enhancers...
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